When I first read the word "I-Pad" in an article online, I thought it was some kind of a Chinese gadget imitation of the Apple's I-Pod.  But no, it was a serious pc magazine article talking about the launch of the latest wonder from Apple.

This is really a remarkable, phenomenal invention... ok, let's just hear it from its makers and find out how they rave about this expensive toy.  If you won't get convinced by these people, then probably you're a robot.
I-Pad... me.. want.. one...
If you're going to watch this in the office, like I did (shhhh), then prepare to have 1 hour of unproductive time and another hour of lunchbreak on your desk.  And oh, don't forget to have tissues on hand.


OMG.  I got teary eyed watching this movie trailer.  This is why I would want to watch this at home, not in a public place.  So I can cry all I want. boo-hoo-hoo.
And I got more teary eyed learning that this was based on a true story. waaaah!!!

The 2010 Oscars Nomination List just came out.  I actually felt bad when I went over the list because being a movie fan that I am, I have only seen 2 movies (Avatar and Inglorious Basterds)  in the list!  Well, blame it probably on geographical location, because I'm actually half a world away from Hollywood.  But really, I could just have downloaded these movies or something.  

Oh, this morning I saw a billboard for "The Blind Side" showing in Festival Mall.  Might as well watch that.  Or buy the DVD from Sadikh.  (Hey, I've got THE list!)


Click "Read More"  for the List.

There's nothing better than a game of sudoku every lunch break... and after which... power nap!
Chinese New Year is just a few days away and as I was browsing through my old photos in my computer, I chanced upon these photos, taken during my business trip to China last June 2009.  I think I better compile my other trip photos and just make them into slideshows/videos like the one I made below.

Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.

I just discovered a great site!  It's a reading website called http://www.gutenberg.org .  I was overwhelmed by the huge number of titles and authors to choose from, I don't know where to start.  So I checked their  Top 100 downloads and here's what they got.  Actually, these are classic books, mostly very old ones.  They even have Tagalog titles and the author is someone from the 1800s!  I tried to browse one Tagalog book, and upon reading the first few lines, it was like I was brought back to the 1800s - complete with the archaic spellings (instead of the letter 'k', it uses 'c' or 'qu'... and the 'w' was replaced - instead of 'wi', it uses 'oi' and for wa - 'oa'... how cool is that!). 
Here's a snapshot of their Yesterday's Top 100 downloads: 

Click the photo to go to site... and check out Number 8.

Yeah, I know we shouldn't be dwelling on the past, but hey, these were good memories.  And I will cherish them forever.
I was able to upload some of my farewell party photos when I worked for more than a year in Thailand.  Happy days!

Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.

Ok, I must say that I'm a movie addict.  I rarely watch in the movie theaters though (except if the movie requires really large screen to better appreciate it, like 2012 and Avatar), because it takes too much time and effort for me to prepare and schedule my trip to the mall.  And yes, it's rather expensive nowadays.  So I befriended Sadikh and I get my regular *stash* of DVD movies and tv series from him.  They're pirated, obviously.  Yeah, shame on me.

Needless to say, last Christmas holidays, I got to watch several DVDs - from tv series (I'm loving "The Closer") to concerts (MJ's 'This is It" and Beyonce's "Irreplaceable" concert) and to movies of course.   Let me see... Inglourious Basterds (love you Brad!)... The Taking of Pelham 123 (love you Denzel and John!)... Jennifer's Body (hate you Megan!!!)...  I also watched some movies which are not that memorable so I won't mention them here anymore.

But what is this I just saw last weekend at the mall?  I saw a rather intriguing movie poster.  I took a closer look and the actor was... yummy Paul Bettany.  I love love Paul since I saw him in "A Knight's Tale" starring the young Heath Ledger.  In the movie, Paul was the one introducing Heath before each match, and what do you know, I fell in love with the accent.  I'll attach the movie trailer here and find out for yourself.  By the way, Paul's new movie is "Legion" coming in January 22nd.  I won't miss that one.

Here's the trailer of "A Knight's Tale"... Check out Paul introducing Heath's character... yeah, it's the accent.
Here below is Paul Bettany's upcoming movie, Legion.
Sorry, can't help it.  Here once more is Paul, in the movie "Wimbledon'.  I'm proud to say I watched this in the movie theater. =)
I could have added also the trailers of "A Beautiful Mind", "Master and Commander" and "Da Vinci Code", but this post is already getting too long.  (Of course I also saw these movies!)

I got this article/slideshow from www.nydailynews.com.  So to summarize, it just says that one, I don't have to upgrade my MS Office to 2010 edition; two, it's better to buy a netbook or a desktop instead of a laptop... and three, hubby hasn't bought a Playboy magazine since decades ago, so that's ok....   but four, it's difficult for me to avoid pork...

Click here to view the slideshow.  <What not to buy in 2010>